Unexpected Joy

Unexpected Joy

Reading the accounts of the gospels it’s clear that Jesus’ followers were not expecting his resurrection that Sunday morning. The women come prepared to anoint a dead body. The disciples didn’t even anticipate his death, much less a resurrection. They had scattered and were staying out of sight. How could a dead messiah be a messiah? Only the chief priests seem to recall Christ’s prophetic word that he would rise again. Concerned that a missing body could spark further trouble for them, they request a Roman guard to ensure that his body would not be stolen.

Unexpected Morning

The story of that Sunday morning is full of unexpected surprises – a large stone rolled away, linens remain without a body, angelic messengers, women serving as the first witnesses. Even when Jesus appears before them, the disciples seem shocked and in disbelief.  It takes awhile for this new reality to sink in because it doesn’t fit any of their expectations.

Remember What Jesus Said?

Why wouldn’t the disciples remember these words of Jesus? Despite the foretelling of these events by Jesus, it seems that they did not match at all with their expectations and limited understanding. If Jesus were really the messiah, why did he die prematurely? How could the “Son of Man” who is endowed with power and authority from God be handed over and killed? The resurrection of the dead was to be an event on the last day when all the dead will rise, so how could one person be resurrected without all the others? 

God’s Unexpected Ways

Quite simply, God’s ways and thoughts were far above their ways and thoughts. To truly be on a journey with God leading us we need to be open to unexpected wonders and joys that are beyond our current experience and understanding. Is it possible that too often we become bored with God as though we had figured out all his ways already? Our faith can settle into little more than routines and customs that we follow week after week, year after year. If we are bored with our faith and God, it is probably a sign that we have limited God to the box of our own expectations where we feel safe and in control – but without awe or wonder.

See His Presence

What if we instead awaken each morning wondering what Christ will show us today and where we will see his presence, curious as to how he will surprise us even at our lowest moment.

Lord, open our eyes and  hearts to see you anew today!