More is Less

More is Less

When More is Less

Life for most people is full — overwhelmed just with the necessary responsibilities of life. Then there is the bombarding overlay of our culture with endless amusement choices. Ads and messages assault our senses daily. The array of social media platforms call us to connect, project, and vent with countless people. Henri Nouwen describes our spiritual state as being often distracted and preoccupied by superficial things that keep us from being present and focused on God and what matters most.


As we press into the discipline of prayer and fasting, what do these disciplines have to teach us in light of our spiritual condition? May I suggest that rather than approaching a season of prayer in terms of adding new routines and commitments to an already full life, perhaps the place to begin is in thinking of what we can eliminate and strip away first. This makes room for time with God. Before planting a garden we need to clear away a space and prepare the ground. Before starting a project we need to clear off the work table.

Fasting: A Way Toward Fullness

In some ways fasting, when done out of a desire to center our focus on God, can have a similar effect on our life. When we fast for a set number of hours, meals, or days it is marking off a space of time during which we want to hunger after God to be led and fed by him. Initially, we may find ourselves all the more distracted and aware of our bodily hunger and all the desires and cravings that otherwise control us without challenge. A battle ensues as we say “no” to their demands and are forced to cry out to God to sustain us.

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”

Matthew 4;4

By going without, by saying “no,” by making time to be alone with God we are humbled. We are more sensitive to our spiritual needs and our utter dependence on God. Eventually, that which consumed and controlled us drops off and fades away. Like Jesus, we can find new focus, power, and fullness from the Spirit. It causes us to be present and aware of God’s leading as we go about our lives, seeking to serve him.

God’s Leading

What is it that God calls us to fast from in these days of prayer? It might be food, or other areas of our daily life. Do we need to take-a-break from these things that take more from us and leave us with less? We could lay down our phones, devices, news, routines, or habits that fill up our time and thoughts, but leave our hearts dissatisfied. May we know God’s leading and prodding in our spiritual life. May we hear his gentle call inviting us to leave everything and follow him. In this calling he might lead us to drink more deeply of his living water and to feast at his table.