21 Days of Prayer

21 Days of Prayer

The Body of Christ

During advent we marveled at the mystery of the incarnation by which “the word became flesh and lived among us.” We see in Christ the full expression of God’s glory and grace in human form. No less amazing, is this truth. Upon his resurrection, by faith, we have been given access to enter into the intimacy and oneness enjoyed by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Collectively, believers are now the body of Christ in this world. Christ is the head of this body that is filled and led by the Spirit.

Escapee or Messenger?

What is the main role we serve as the body of Christ in relation to God and this world? One view is the church is like an escape route for all those fleeing the impurity of the world and the doom of its impending destruction. A second more redemptive view is that God is making all things new by reconciling all things to himself through Christ.

We, his body, have been given this message of reconciliation. We are to be salt and light in a world where the kingdom of God is advancing, instead of retreating to escape it. In this sense, God is restoring his rightful reign over all people and things and filling the world again with his glory.

Kingdom Come

How can we as the church participate in the coming of Christ’s kingdom? Jesus called his followers to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” First and foremost, prayer is the battleground at the very entrance of God’s kingdom. That is to say, God’s reign gains entrance into the world first in the hearts and minds of those who pray to him as Lord.

Not only do we pray for God’s kingdom to come out there in the world, but for his will to be done our own heart and life. Prayer is submission to God’s will and right to rule over ourselves. This is not harsh, but a recognition that for our joy and good it is better to submit to God. To desire what he desires is better than to seek comfort and pleasure outside his will. From this posture, we intercede on behalf of others to plead for Christ’s intervention and help in the world.

Upside Down Kingdom

We will be observing 21 days of heightened focus on prayer and fasting beginning Sunday, January 9. The theme during this time is “The Upside Down Kingdom” with reflections from Christ’s “Sermon on the Mount.” The values of Christ’s kingdom turn the world’s values and social order upside down. I invite you to use the prayer guide book to help you reflect on and pray through these transformative words of Christ. Consider also how you might fast from food or from activities in order to intentionally enter a posture of submission and focus on Christ.

This is a time to hunger after God’s kingdom reign and righteousness. What does God want to realign in your life that will transform you and your desires to be like Christ? Whenever we humble ourselves in prayer and hunger after God, God will surely fill us and empower us to do his will so that we may enter into a fuller experience of his kingdom – not only for our own joy, but to see “his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

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